
Friday, January 28, 2011

One moment per day...

... I find myself utterly awestruck by the world around me. The feeling that comes next is something akin to joy and contentment so closely connected that the sensations meld into one.

View from my office window.
Sometimes it is the view of the birds outside in the snowy backdrop fluttering around a feeder over flowing with seeds that spill to the icy snow when a new bird lands and shifts the feeder's weight to a different side;

sometimes as I drive home on the over-crowded and hence crawling highway, the sunset hits me and I turn the radio off for a moment as the view sinks in;

or it is the smile or laugh of an unsuspecting coworker at the office brewing coffee;

other times, it is being waved at by kids passing me on the road as their mother hurriedly rushes them off to some or other activity unaware of what she missed out on at that moment;

or then, it is in the middle of the night half awake, when a giant arm stretches out and pulls you in close to a loving warmth that lulls you back to sleep as gently as it woke you.

Today, it is the view from my office window when I came back from lunch and the slightest bit if snow sprinkled down from the roof and disappeared into the whiteness that has enshrouded the woody garden outside.

One moment a day is all we need. I hope you find yours... and never let it go.

<3 That Verbivore

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