
Monday, January 10, 2011

My Desk Produces Paper (1.10.11)

My desk tends to produce paper. There must be some scientific marvel at work here: I clear my desk. Go to lunch. Return and miraculously, there is a pile of paper there waiting or me!

It is only Monday. By Friday, this pile will inevitably grow much larger.

Sometimes these magical appearances reoccure before I am able to eliminate the previous pile, eventually creating a veritable mountain of paper to go through. Can you say frustrating? Over the next few months I am embarking on an experiment to handle all paper that comes to my desk as follows:
Categorize it
Organize it's importance
Assign a day of the week to handle it
File it by the day it is to be done

Think this will work? Cross your fingers and knock on wood with me.


  1. it will work! and i promise not to add to it- i've got my own problem going on in "the office"
    pic to follow ;)

    love you!

  2. If you put the newspapers and advertisings (?) aside, it would look already better, lol !
    If you have time have a look on my 7 weeks old grandson (poor thing)
