NEVER BEFORE DONE AS CUPCAKES! Rainbow Cookie Cupcakes! (In honor of the Jets.)
I never created this recipe before, so I experimented with every half dozen. In the end this is the best way to work the recipe.
The recipe is pretty simple. Use a basic cupcake recipe, but only use 2 eggs. The additional ingredients are: coloring (natural or not), Almond paste, apricot preserves/jam.
When mixing the dough, add all of the ingredients (only use 2 eggs) and mix using a blender. Take the almond paste and add a teaspoon of water. microwave until warm and mix the paste and water till it loosens.
Add half the paste mixture to the dough. Blend thuroughly until smooth.
Split the dough into thirds and add the respective colorings.
Note: for natural coloring use beet juice, spirlina powder, and saffron/ amarillo powder. The red dough will need a tablespoon of extra flour to rethicken. |
Add a tablespoon of flour to the red dough. Also take 1/3 of the almond paste and add it to the red dough. You do this to thicken the dough. The red goes on the bottom, so it needs to be thicker than the rest. spread the red mixture evenly in the bottom of the cup.
Warm the apricot jam in the microwave (mixing every 30 seconds) until it has a syrupy texture. Do not over heat.
Next add 1/4 of the alomnd paste mixture to the yellow dough and mix till smooth.
Warm the apricot jam in the microwave (mixing every 30 seconds) until it has a syrupy texture. Do not over heat.
Quickly layer a thin coating of preserves onto of the yellow layer and place in the fridge for 10 minutew while you finish the other trays.
Then add the green layer to top off.
Place the cupcakes in the oven and bake at 300 degrees on convection until slightly golden at edges. The dough will not over rise due to the almond paste so you only need to leave 5mm at the top of the cupcake wrapper.
Remove the cupcakes from the oven and place in the fridge to cool for an hour.
Heat up a basic fudge glaze and dip the top of each cupcake into it. place them back in the fridge to set. Or add chocolate sprinkles, then cool.